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Price Match Guarantee

Price Match Promise

We’re dedicated to offering the best-priced adult toys and lingerie.

If you find a lower price on any adult product or lingerie, let us know and we’ll match it.
Contact us with the name of the product and a link to the alternative website and price.

The price match guarantee applies when the same product/model on dowwns.com is also available on another website at a lower cost.

  • The price match guarantee only applies to full priced items.
  • The price match guarantee only applies to new, authentic items on other websites.
  • The price match guarantee only applies to online sex toy shops in the same country.
  • Prices must be verified by dowwns.com before a matched price is given.
  • The price beat guarantee excludes auction websites or marketplaces.
  • The item must be verified as available for purchase at that price from the other website.
  • Typographical errors on other websites will not be price matched.
  • Price matches cannot be used in conjunction with another offer or loyalty dollars.
  • Price comparisons are exclusive of shipping charges.
  • dowwns.com reserves the right to withdraw the offer at any time.